
Friday Oct 04, 2024
Gen Con & Imposter Syndrome w/ @Arlentric - HaTD S4 #81
Friday Oct 04, 2024
Friday Oct 04, 2024
In this episode we chat with @Arlentric , an amazing Aussie with a kickass sense of humour and a knack for creating awesome TTRPG content. We talk about our experiences at Gen Con, Imposter Syndrome and developing your community among other things. Hope you enjoy!
Check out Arlo's Awesome D&D Content: https://www.youtube.com/@Arlentric
Join our Discord Community: https://discord.gg/rCu6H52Nwk Our Homebrew TTRPG Supplements: https://hatdbuilder.com/shop Everything Else: https://linktr.ee/homieandthedude
#dnd #ttrpg #podcast

Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Entering Flow State with the ADHDM - HaTD S4
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Thursday Feb 01, 2024
Hey folks, we’ve got a treat for you this week. On this podcast we spoke to Skyler Springer a.k.a. @TheADHDM, and we had some super in-depth discussions with him. We talk about enabling a TTRPG player’s flow state, making your game experience as immersive and worthwhile as possible; how awesome the shared emotions of a group are in an experience like D&D or psychedelics when you put everything else aside to be in the moment together. We also discover that Skyler has a vast well of knowledge on office stationary among other things.
Hope you enjoy!
Check out The ADHDM’s Awesome D&D Content: https://www.youtube.com/@TheADHDM
Join our Discord Community: https://discord.gg/rCu6H52Nwk
Our Homebrew TTRPG Supplements: https://hatdbuilder.com/shop
Everything Else: https://linktr.ee/homieandthedude
#dnd #ttrpg #podcast

Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
How D&D became a Household Name w/ @direden - HaTD S4 #79
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Hey folks, in this episode we spoke to Brad Wolf a.k.a. @direden, a Dungeon Master with over 40 years of experience!
We talk about the history and future of D&D, the differences between playing D&D in person vs through a VTT and Stranger Things' impact on the public perception of D&D.
Hope you enjoy!
Check out Dire Den’s Awesome D&D Content: https://www.youtube.com/@direden
Join our Discord Community: https://discord.gg/rCu6H52Nwk
Our Homebrew TTRPG Supplements: https://hatdbuilder.com/shop
Everything Else: https://linktr.ee/homieandthedude
#dnd #ttrpg #podcast

Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Cmike the Cinema Lovin' DM of @FablesD20 ! - HaTD S4 #78
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
In this episode we speak to Cmike, a former member of @Corridor who helped create Son of a Dungeon as well as his own D&D Show @FablesD20.
We discuss the difficulties of going it alone vs working under a company, as well as delving into the impact of player freedom on your worldbuilding.
Lots of incredible DM advice here. Hope you enjoy! Check out Cmike’s Awesome D&D Content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXpVlpZe_xxUmG1SNN6PXCg
Join our Discord Community: https://discord.com/invite/rCu6H52Nwk
Our Homebrew TTRPG Supplements: https://hatdbuilder.com/shop
Everything Else: https://linktr.ee/homieandthedude
#dnd #ttrpg #podcast

Saturday Jan 20, 2024
The Sky Realm - Episode 37 - DnD5e
Saturday Jan 20, 2024
Saturday Jan 20, 2024
The party have entered The Cluster City - Ulegatus. They begin their search for Porthos the man who claims to know the location of the Forty Stone. What shenanigans will they get wrapped up in at this city of crime and debauchery...
Here's some background of our world:
The Sky Realm is a cluster of floating islands thousands of feet above the land of Pangaea below. Separated by a thick impenetrable layer of torrential storm clouds, these elevated islands are home to a host of nations that formed after the Great Split. At the beginning there was much peace amongst the people of the sky. But as it always seems to do with humanoids, greed and selfishness creeps in the cracks and moves in the shadows, secretly growing and amassing. So when resources began to dwindle due to lack of consistent rainfall altitude, lines were drawn and chips began getting moved by those who owned the wealth to do so.
Our story in particular begins 80 years or so before our party meet, on the Shadow Day. On This day Zach Gladius the most powerful arcane channeller in the sky created the first 40stone. A Seriliunite power gem containing enough energy fly 10,000 Sky Zephyr's. Zach created the gem believing it was to aid the Sky Realm and it's people to gain more consistent rainfall. But the Imperial Daimyos that funded this creation had other ideas. They used the gem to move their entire island into one of the few locations that does receive regular rainfall at this altitude. This location of regular rainfall is where The People's Republic, the Largest city in the sky floats. Once the Imperials had moved their own island above the The People's Republic they began collecting the rain water and rationing to those living in the city now below them. In the following years through rationing water they found they could take control of the city's government and its people. The Imperials decided to seize The People's Republic, sanction trade routes across the sky and try to build the second 40stone to begin expanding their new Imperium.
Created by HOMIE and The DUDE

Sunday Jan 14, 2024
The Sky Realm - Episode 36 - DnD5e
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Last time on The Sky Realm, our cast of characters got some useful information from Usha: The whereabouts of a man who knows the location of the Forty Stone. The party must travel to The Cluster City - Ulegatus. This journey gives each of them a much needed chance to reflect on their deep inner turmoil...
Here's some background of our world:
The Sky Realm is a cluster of floating islands thousands of feet above the land of Pangaea below. Separated by a thick impenetrable layer of torrential storm clouds, these elevated islands are home to a host of nations that formed after the Great Split. At the beginning there was much peace amongst the people of the sky. But as it always seems to do with humanoids, greed and selfishness creeps in the cracks and moves in the shadows, secretly growing and amassing. So when resources began to dwindle due to lack of consistent rainfall altitude, lines were drawn and chips began getting moved by those who owned the wealth to do so.
Our story in particular begins 80 years or so before our party meet, on the Shadow Day. On This day Zach Gladius the most powerful arcane channeller in the sky created the first 40stone. A Seriliunite power gem containing enough energy fly 10,000 Sky Zephyr's. Zach created the gem believing it was to aid the Sky Realm and it's people to gain more consistent rainfall. But the Imperial Daimyos that funded this creation had other ideas. They used the gem to move their entire island into one of the few locations that does receive regular rainfall at this altitude. This location of regular rainfall is where The People's Republic, the Largest city in the sky floats. Once the Imperials had moved their own island above the The People's Republic they began collecting the rain water and rationing to those living in the city now below them. In the following years through rationing water they found they could take control of the city's government and its people. The Imperials decided to seize The People's Republic, sanction trade routes across the sky and try to build the second 40stone to begin expanding their new Imperium.
Created by HOMIE and The DUDE

Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
DnDShorts - The creator behind Ryoko’s Guide to the Yokai Realms - HaTD S4 #77
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
On todays podcast we've got special guest: Will, creator of the @DnDShorts YouTube channel.
Will isn't just a one trick pony though. He has successfully managed to grow an audience on YouTube for both his short and longform content as well as coordinating the successful launch of a massive Kickstarter campaign: Ryoko's Guide to the Yokai Realms - A 5e Tome. When we say massive we mean it! Over 26,000 people backed Yokai Realms, pledging a combined $3,327,234 to get their hands on this project.
Our Discord community: https://discord.com/invite/rCu6H52Nwk Our TTRPG Supplements: https://hatdbuilder.com/shop
Everything Else: https://linktr.ee/homieandthedude
#dnd #ttrpg #creative #yokai #realms #kickstarter #dungeonsanddragons #dnd5e #contentcreator #youtuber #influencer #dndshorts

Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Father & Son Have Very OPEN COVERSATION 2023 Recap - HATD S3 #76
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
As is our tradition at HOMIEandTheDUDE, we decided to have a wholesome heart-to-heart conversation where we drop all ego talk about why we appreciate each other and what we need to improve on in 2024.
We also reflecting on how this past year went. 2023 recap 00:00 Father & Son deep chat 59:11 We hope 2023 was a good one for y'all. Happy New Year everybody!
The Wandering Tavern a Grungy Studio Ghibli inspired TTRPG setting: The legendary giant floating city!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/homieandthedude/the-wandering-tavern
#fatherson #podcasts #podcast #newyear #resolution #Reflecting #wholesome #hearttoheart #open #toxicmasculinity

Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Runesmith - HaTD S3 #74
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Today we’re chatting with @Runesmith, a multi-talented creator in the TTRPG world. We spoke about his journey with the D&D hobby and the growth of his YouTube career as well as a Kickstarter campaign he is running right now, “The Seeker's Guide to Enchanting Emporiums”!
Here is a link to Runesmith's Kickstarter if any of you are interested: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Cinderblock Sally - HaTD S3 #73
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
We’re back with another father and son podcast for y’all. This time we’re talking to special guest: @cinderblocksally about his rise to internet fame, hot takes on D&D and more.
You can check out Cinder's content here: https://linktr.ee/cinderblocksally You can check out Sky Zephyrs here: https://hatdbuilder.com/shop and everything else we’re making here:
https://linktr.ee/homieandthedude #DungeonsAndDragons
#DnD #TTRPG #HaTD #tabletoprpg #roleplayinggame #dndsupplement #dndcommunity #ttrpgfamily #podcast #cinderblocksally

Friday Nov 17, 2023
The Sky Realm - Episode 35 - DnD5e
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Woah, in this episode our group finally feels the impact of its actions. Somehow, their roles have changes in a way that nobody would have ever imagined. Things will never be quite the same going forward. We hope you enjoy this D&D adventure through the vast skies!
Here's some background of our world:
The Sky Realm is a cluster of floating islands thousands of feet above the land of Pangaea below. Separated by a thick impenetrable layer of torrential storm clouds, these elevated islands are home to a host of nations that formed after the Great Split. At the beginning there was much peace amongst the people of the sky. But as it always seems to do with humanoids, greed and selfishness creeps in the cracks and moves in the shadows, secretly growing and amassing. So when resources began to dwindle due to lack of consistent rainfall altitude, lines were drawn and chips began getting moved by those who owned the wealth to do so.
Our story in particular begins 80 years or so before our party meet, on the Shadow Day. On This day Zach Gladius the most powerful arcane channeller in the sky created the first 40stone. A Seriliunite power gem containing enough energy fly 10,000 Sky Zephyr's. Zach created the gem believing it was to aid the Sky Realm and it's people to gain more consistent rainfall. But the Imperial Daimyos that funded this creation had other ideas. They used the gem to move their entire island into one of the few locations that does receive regular rainfall at this altitude. This location of regular rainfall is where The People's Republic, the Largest city in the sky floats. Once the Imperials had moved their own island above the The People's Republic they began collecting the rain water and rationing to those living in the city now below them. In the following years through rationing water they found they could take control of the city's government and its people. The Imperials decided to seize The People's Republic, sanction trade routes across the sky and try to build the second 40stone to begin expanding their new Imperium.
Created by HOMIE and The DUDE

Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Co-Founder and CEO of Alchemy RPG - HaTD S3 #72
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Join Tom and Bodhi as they shoot the shit with Chris Eddie, Co-Founder and CEO of the incredible Alchemy RPG!!
Please check out Alchemy RPG HERE - https://alchemyrpg.com/
If your interested in Sky Zephyrs airship combat rules for D&D 5e and our new Ship Builder, its now available to pre-order.
Here's info on our Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/homieandthedude/sky-zephyrs-5e
YOU CAN PRE-ORDER SKY ZEPHYRS HERE: https://hatdbuilder.com/shop
#DungeonsAndDragons #DnD #TTRPG #alchemyrpg #HaTD #tabletoprpg #roleplayinggame #dndsupplement #dndcommunity #ttrpgfamily #podcast

Friday Oct 27, 2023
The Sky Realm - Episode 34 - DnD5e
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Today in the The Sky Realm, we visit the aftermath of our party's recent heist of the Uptown Reservoir!
Here's some background of our world:
The Sky Realm is a cluster of floating islands thousands of feet above the land of Pangaea below. Separated by a thick impenetrable layer of torrential storm clouds, these elevated islands are home to a host of nations that formed after the Great Split. At the beginning there was much peace amongst the people of the sky. But as it always seems to do with humanoids, greed and selfishness creeps in the cracks and moves in the shadows, secretly growing and amassing. So when resources began to dwindle due to lack of consistent rainfall altitude, lines were drawn and chips began getting moved by those who owned the wealth to do so.
Our story in particular begins 80 years or so before our party meet, on the Shadow Day. On This day Zach Gladius the most powerful arcane channeller in the sky created the first 40stone. A Seriliunite power gem containing enough energy fly 10,000 Sky Zephyr's. Zach created the gem believing it was to aid the Sky Realm and it's people to gain more consistent rainfall. But the Imperial Daimyos that funded this creation had other ideas. They used the gem to move their entire island into one of the few locations that does receive regular rainfall at this altitude. This location of regular rainfall is where The People's Republic, the Largest city in the sky floats. Once the Imperials had moved their own island above the The People's Republic they began collecting the rain water and rationing to those living in the city now below them. In the following years through rationing water they found they could take control of the city's government and its people. The Imperials decided to seize The People's Republic, sanction trade routes across the sky and try to build the second 40stone to begin expanding their new Imperium.
Created by HOMIE and The DUDE

Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Questions With Alloyed-RPG
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Tom and Bodhi chat to Steve from @Alloyed-RPG about their origin story and the recently released Sky Zephyr airship combat supplement!
PRE-ORDER HERE - https://hatdbuilder.com/shop
It was awesome to get the chance to talk with Steve. Alloyed RPG are doing some incredible work so please show them some love! ALLOYED-RPG - https://www.youtube.com/@Alloyed-RPG
#DungeonsAndDragons #DnD #TTRPG #vtt #alloyed-rpg #HaTD #tabletoprpg #roleplayinggame #dndsupplement #dndcommunity #ttrpgfamily #podcast

Friday Oct 20, 2023
Talespire Founders - HaTD S3 #71
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
We are joined by the incredible Jonny and Jason, founders of Bouncyrock Entertainment and developers of @TaleSpire. In this epic episode we discuss the ins and outs of creating TaleSpire, potential rivalries from WotC, and TaleSpire's amazing work with Dimension 20. We loved having this opportunity to chat with Jonny and Jason!!
#DungeonsAndDragons #DnD #TTRPG #DnDSupplements #dimension20 #talespire #wotc #wizardsofthecoast #DM #DnDPodcast #TTRPGFamily #roleplayinggame #rpg #streamer

Monday Jul 03, 2023
NEXT LEVEL Vehicle Combat in D&D - with Mat from Role Play Chat
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
We returned as guests on Role Play Chat, a TTRPG focused podcast with the professional and super wholesome host, Mat.
Come listen to us talk about all things D&D and vehicle combat in the sky!
Check out the Sky Zephyr’s Kickstarter page: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/homieandthedude/sky-zephyrs-5e
#ttrpg #podcast #roleplay #kickstarter #airships #dnd #airship #combat #battle #encounters #sky

Friday Jun 23, 2023
The Sky Realm - Episode 33 - DnD5e
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Today in The Sky Realm, our intrepid party must escape the water reservoir heist and find a place to lay low.
Meanwhile Uma’s “distraction” turns into full open rebellion, and is causing rioting and destruction on the streets.
However, our party aren’t the only ones taking advantage of the situation... The headquarters of the claw mafia is currently being raided by the Imperials on the word of the Daimyo. One thing is certain, there will be lots of bloodshed today!
Here's some background of our world:
The Sky Realm is a cluster of floating islands thousands of feet above the land of Pangaea below. Separated by a thick impenetrable layer of torrential storm clouds, these elevated islands are home to a host of nations that formed after the Great Split. At the beginning there was much peace amongst the people of the sky. But as it always seems to do with humanoids, greed and selfishness creeps in the cracks and moves in the shadows, secretly growing and amassing. So when resources began to dwindle due to lack of consistent rainfall altitude, lines were drawn and chips began getting moved by those who owned the wealth to do so.
Our story in particular begins 80 years or so before our party meet, on the Shadow Day. On This day Zach Gladius the most powerful arcane channeller in the sky created the first 40stone. A Seriliunite power gem containing enough energy fly 10,000 Sky Zephyr's. Zach created the gem believing it was to aid the Sky Realm and it's people to gain more consistent rainfall. But the Imperial Daimyos that funded this creation had other ideas. They used the gem to move their entire island into one of the few locations that does receive regular rainfall at this altitude. This location of regular rainfall is where The People's Republic, the Largest city in the sky floats. Once the Imperials had moved their own island above the The People's Republic they began collecting the rain water and rationing to those living in the city now below them. In the following years through rationing water they found they could take control of the city's government and its people. The Imperials decided to seize The People's Republic, sanction trade routes across the sky and try to build the second 40stone to begin expanding their new Imperium.
Created by HOMIE and The DUDE

Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Answering YOUR questions with GamerMomLuna, Run DMG, Andrew Kolb and Jacob Wood!
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
For those of you who weren’t able to catch it live, here is the full Q&A Stream we had last week on GamerMomLuna's Tales From The Tavern with Run DMG, Andrew Kolb and Jacob Wood.
Kick back and listen to us answer the (sometimes) insightful questions taken from a smart, witty and totally handsome live audience. Hope you enjoy!
Show these guys some love:
GamerMomLuna: https://linktr.ee/GamerMomLuna
Run DMG: https://tiltify.com/@run-dmg/runbday
Andrew Kolb: https://www.kolbisneat.com/
Jacob Wood: https://www.accessiblegames.biz/
#ama #qna #ttrpg #ttrpgfamily #podcast #stream

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
We had the pleasure of being interviewed by Adam from Snyder’s Return recently.
Adam is a master at the craft of podcasting, so being a guest on his show was an absolute delight! We could tell he’d done his research. It was like a deep dive into our HaTD history, from the humble beginnings, all the way to what we’re working on right now!
Please check it out if you’ve got an hour to listen to some great conversation.
#ttrpg #dnd #podcast #backstory #kickstarter

Monday Jun 05, 2023
Airship Combat #5e Interview #bts with Devs - Double DM Podcast 2
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
We had the honour of being the first ever returning guests on the Double DM podcast! Give it a listen if you want to learn more about our Sky Zephyrs Kickstarter and enjoy the great banter between Bodhi, Tom, Emil & Nils.
Check out our Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/homieandthedude/sky-zephyrs-5e
Check out more Double DM content: https://www.doubledm.com/episodes/
#dnd #podcast #airship #kickstarter #collab